What phrase gets you slimed on "You Can’t Do That on Television"?
Last updated: October 23, 2024

There’s no way a show like "You Can’t Do That on Television" could get made today and still be marketed to kids. The Canadian import began airing on the new Nickelodeon cable channel in 1981, helping to propel the kid-focused channel to early success.
But it also featured a school cook, Barth, who smoked and blew snot in the food and a recurring sketch with a firing squad. Due to censorship around drug use, an episode intended to help educate kids on the dangers of drugs instead used pies, with the actors acting like each pie in the face made them feel higher. Thus the title of the show certainly stands up by today’s standards.
Hey, I’m sure we all turned out fine. Although, there might be a few key phrases or trigger words fans of the show still avoid in adulthood. That’s because one of the running gags would be the cast getting hit with slime, water, or pies if they said one of the magic phrases. Which one got green slime dumped on them?