Who was originally cast as the alien in "Predator"?
Last updated: February 4, 2025

The iconic alien hunter from "Predator" strikes fear with its massive frame and superhuman strength. The creature's imposing presence helped make the 1987 film a sci-fi classic, yet the original vision for the character was completely different. Which action star was initially hired to play the extraterrestrial menace?
Who was originally cast as the alien in "Predator"?
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The answer is: Jean-Claude Van Damme
Poor Jean-Claude Van Damme thought he'd scored his big Hollywood break. Instead, he found himself stumbling around the Mexican jungle in a bright red rubber suit that looked like a giant praying mantis and in the heat of the Mexican jungle was basically a personal sauna.
The whole thing was a mess from day one. Van Damme may have been hired for his agility, but at 5'9" he was dwarfed by costars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers. The costume designers solution was to stick him inside this goofy bug suit with stills where his head was crammed into the creature's neck, his hands were stuck in the forearms, and he couldn't see anything. Let's just say the costume wasn't conducive to showcasing the best of Van Damme.
It only took a few days to realize that the "muscles from Brussels" was not the meant to be a space hunter and he was fired from the film. They hired 7'2" Kevin Peter Hall, ditched the red bug look, and created the skull-collecting alien hunter we know today. Meanwhile, Van Damme went on to make "Bloodsport," where he could finally kick people in the face without falling over.