What's the name of the robot daughter on Small World?

What's the name of the robot daughter on Small World?

There are those who would say that Small Wonder is clearly an ALF rip-off.

A light sci-fi plot where a family has to keep one of the family members secret for whatever reason, there’s a nosy neighbor always about to find out, and the main character learns what it is to be human. In Wonder it’s a robot girl, in ALF it’s an alien that’s hundreds of years old and eats cats. Ta-may-toe / ta-mah-toe.

Then there are those who would say that ALF is actually a ripoff of Small Wonder, since ALF came out like a year later. To which I say: ever heard of time travel?!!?

I guess we’ll never know which show ripped off which, but we do know the name of a very important character in Small Wonder, which ran from 1985 to 1989 — the character who made the entire situation comedic, in fact.

What was the robot daughter’s name?

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